The cumulative performance in all semester/session examination determines what class of degree you get at the end of your academic program.
To ace that examination, certain guidelines are essential. I will enumerate some, which if you adhere to, will go a long way in making that examination memorable. These guidelines will help you at every moment, during the course of writing that exam. Let's go through the points together...
Pre-examination verification: Don't get confused by this subtitle. I just had to find and use one. What this means is that you test your materials for efficiency. Your materials could be anything you need to aid you smashing (hehehe) that examination- pen, calculator, pencils, set square and scale rule among others. Ensure they are in good condition and working properly. Also, ensure that you have a valid means of identification (carry your ID's along)
General examination guidelines
To ace that examination, certain guidelines are essential. I will enumerate some, which if you adhere to, will go a long way in making that examination memorable. These guidelines will help you at every moment, during the course of writing that exam. Let's go through the points together...
Pre-examination verification: Don't get confused by this subtitle. I just had to find and use one. What this means is that you test your materials for efficiency. Your materials could be anything you need to aid you smashing (hehehe) that examination- pen, calculator, pencils, set square and scale rule among others. Ensure they are in good condition and working properly. Also, ensure that you have a valid means of identification (carry your ID's along)
General examination guidelines
So you are already seated in the examination hall. The question paper and answer booklets have been distributed and you've been permitted to start. Your actions and inaction between that moment up until when you submit your answer booklet to the invigilator is very crucial.
Bear in mind that before the set date of examination, you must have been studious. See guidelines here.
Exam Material quality: Do not start writing on the answer booklet provided without first scrutinising it. Before putting your pen to work on the booklet, carefully check for fault/deformity. Check if the answer booklet is torn. Ensure all other materials provided are in good condition. If it's bad, you should request for a new one. It is your right.
Putting down personal details: To avoid missing script, result or other problems, always remember to put down your matriculation number or you name as the case may be on the answer booklet provided. There are areas where personal details are to be inputted. Ensure due diligence is followed here. You wouldn't want your result to go missing.
Read and adhere to instructions: You don't start writing without reading through the instructions and question.
Many students, in a rush, to start and finish, or due to tension, fail to read the accompanying instruction of a set of questions.
Keeping to little details might just be what makes the difference between an A and an F score in that examination.
Picture a scenario where candidates/students in an examination were asked (via the instructions section) to answer three question from a list of four, with the first question being compulsory. If a student who overlooked the part where the first question was made compulsory goes ahead and answer other 3 questions, omitting the first question, the student loses out on the mark obtainable for attempting the first question. In fact, only two questions will be acknowledged by the examiner as answered. Learn to read and follow instructions properly.
Answering questions: The approach you employ in answering examination questions determines how well you'll be scored. At a later time, I'll make a post on how to answer examination questions.
Bear in mind that before the set date of examination, you must have been studious. See guidelines here.
Exam Material quality: Do not start writing on the answer booklet provided without first scrutinising it. Before putting your pen to work on the booklet, carefully check for fault/deformity. Check if the answer booklet is torn. Ensure all other materials provided are in good condition. If it's bad, you should request for a new one. It is your right.
Putting down personal details: To avoid missing script, result or other problems, always remember to put down your matriculation number or you name as the case may be on the answer booklet provided. There are areas where personal details are to be inputted. Ensure due diligence is followed here. You wouldn't want your result to go missing.
Read and adhere to instructions: You don't start writing without reading through the instructions and question.
Many students, in a rush, to start and finish, or due to tension, fail to read the accompanying instruction of a set of questions.
Keeping to little details might just be what makes the difference between an A and an F score in that examination.
Picture a scenario where candidates/students in an examination were asked (via the instructions section) to answer three question from a list of four, with the first question being compulsory. If a student who overlooked the part where the first question was made compulsory goes ahead and answer other 3 questions, omitting the first question, the student loses out on the mark obtainable for attempting the first question. In fact, only two questions will be acknowledged by the examiner as answered. Learn to read and follow instructions properly.
Answering questions: The approach you employ in answering examination questions determines how well you'll be scored. At a later time, I'll make a post on how to answer examination questions.
In brief, I would advise students to answer questions from the easiest' to the more complex. That way, you don't expend much time on a single question while others are left unattended to. It is also important that you write legibly. It saves you the risk of being underscored. It is a fact that many lecturers in our tertiary institutions are advanced in age and bespectacled. You shouldn't complicate issues by having a poor handwriting. Some lecturers award an extra mark for good handwriting. What marks you out from others might just be that beautiful writing.
Remember to also number your answers properly.
Keeping to time: Every examination has a stated duration. It could be as little as 30 minutes or as much as 6 hours as the case maybe. Whatever time is allotted, you should be able to tidy up your work before the time is up. Before actually answering those questions, try to determine (estimate) how much time is needed for answering each question, and follow it religiously. Also, learn to allocate between 5-15 minutes for proof reading and revision of what you have written. Chances are that as you read through, you will find wrongly spelt words, omitted words and other errors.
Keeping to time: Every examination has a stated duration. It could be as little as 30 minutes or as much as 6 hours as the case maybe. Whatever time is allotted, you should be able to tidy up your work before the time is up. Before actually answering those questions, try to determine (estimate) how much time is needed for answering each question, and follow it religiously. Also, learn to allocate between 5-15 minutes for proof reading and revision of what you have written. Chances are that as you read through, you will find wrongly spelt words, omitted words and other errors.
These points are important and matter a lot in your quest for an eye-popping CGPA.
During examinations, it is expected that every student exhibits good conduct. Follow all guidelines. Don't involve in examination malpractice. As much as possible avoid the temptation to borrow pen, calculator, rulers, etc (come with your own). Be in a relaxed mood.
In summary, just do what is right. Success awaits you.
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During examinations, it is expected that every student exhibits good conduct. Follow all guidelines. Don't involve in examination malpractice. As much as possible avoid the temptation to borrow pen, calculator, rulers, etc (come with your own). Be in a relaxed mood.
In summary, just do what is right. Success awaits you.
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