If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you must have come across terms such as GPA and CGPA.
These two terms are used for grading and degree classification in Nigerian universities.
They show how far you've performed in a semester or throughout the duration of the particular course you are studying.
The CGPA stands for cumulative grade point average while the GPA refers to grade point average.
The GPA is over a semester while the CGPA covers multiple semesters.
Many universities have their own grading system which might slightly vary from the one here. However, this template seems to be the most common.
When you sit for an examination in a particular course (i.e. Gst 101), your performance is graded between A-F. Those alphabets (A-F) have got values attached to them which are used for GPA and CGPA calculations.
A ~ score of 70 & above = 5.0.
B ~ 60-69% = 4.0.
C ~ 50-59% = 3.0.
D ~ 45-49% = 2.0.
E ~ 40-44% = 1.0
F ~ 0-39% = 0.0
Calculating GPA
GPA Is calculated by dividing what we call Total Quality Point (TQP) by another term called Total Credit Unit (TCU) for that semester.
Haven understood the above, you need to know, if you aren't aware, that all courses have specific number of credit units attached to them.
When you multiply the credit unit of that particular course by the grade point (A=5, B=4, C=3...) of your obtained score in the course, you get the Quality Point (QU) for the course.
The Total Quality Point (TQP) therefore is obtained by adding all the Quality Points (QP) of the courses you offered for that semester.
Example: suppose Gst 101 is a 3 units course and you scored a D grade (2 points as earlier explained), the Quality Point (QP) in that course is 3 x 2 = 6.
That is, Quality point = Grade Point x Credit unit.
Do this for the other course you wrote in that semester and add all the Quality Points (QP) you get together, to arrive at the Total Quality Point (QP).
Remember our formula for GPA is Total Quality Point (TQP) for the semester divided by Total Credit Unit (TCU) for that semester.
By now you already know how to calculate Total Quality Point (TQP).
For Total Credit Unit (TCU), we obtain that by adding all the credit units of the courses you offered for that semester.
Example: let's say you offered 8 courses in a semester and all of them were 2 credit units, the TCU then will be 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 = 16
Therefore, if in a semester you had 70 Total Quality Points (TQP) and 15 Total Credit Units (TCU), your GPA will be something like 70/15 = 4.67!
As I earlier explained, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is used to assign evaluative measures to your scholastic abilities. Alongside the GPA, It is an assessment tool for evaluating academic performances. It also shows what class of degree an individual graduates with: First class, Second class Upper, second class lower, third class and Pass.
CGPA is obtained by adding the Total Quality Points (TQP) for all semesters till date and dividing it by the Total Credit Units for all semesters till date.
100 level 1st semester – 70 TQP and 18 TCU.
100 level 2nd semester – 80 TQP and 19 TCU.
200 level 1st semester – 75 TQP and 16 TCU.
200 level 2nd semester – 76 TQP and 18 TCU.
To get the CGPA of the above example, add all the TPQ's ~ 70+80+75+76 = 301 and divide by the summation of the TCU ~ 18+19+16+18 = 71.
301/71 = 4.24, which is a second class upper as will be shown below.
1st Class ~ CGPA of 4.50 - 5.00.
2nd Class Upper ~ CGPA of 3.50 - 4.49.
2nd Class Lower ~ CGPA of 2.40-3.49.
3rd Class ~ CGPA of 1.50-2.39.
Pass~ CGPA of 1.00-1.49.
Fail~ CGPA of 0.00-0.99.
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