This write-up you are about to read is a sure bet to
banging that exam and ultimately getting an eye-popping CGPA. Hehehe. You just
sit quietly and read this. Happy you would be if you follow!
Author's note: this article has a mix of both the English language and the Nigerian pidgin.
1. Don't ever miss classes! You dey hear ba? There
are a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn't miss classes.
I'll be magnanimous to give you a reason: your
lecturer sure knows more than you. If you need to know the other reasons,
please absent yourself from classes, your CGPA at the end of the session will
tell you.
2. Copy notes but listen more. Confused? Don't be
please. Pay more attention to explanations by the teacher. Sometimes, note
taking serves as a distraction which leads to missing out on important points.
If it were possible to record the lectures and play it later for note
3. Do assignments promptly and do it well. Ha! You
don't like assignments? You go fail well well! There will always be assignment
in the academic environment. You better start liking assignments. I don talk my
own. Make sure you complete it well ahead of the deadline and be there
personally to submit. Also, it is better to be an oversabi than to be an
undersabi; that is to say, submit quality assignments.
4. Read your notes on time. What is the use of
hundred pages of well copied notes that will not be read? I told you earlier
there were a thousand and one reasons to attend classes. It will interest you
to know that there are a million reasons to read you notes. When you read notes
you personally took down during lectures, you get perfect understanding. Please
don't pile up those notes till two weeks to exams except you are a genius! I
don talk my own. To know the other reasons for reading you notes, do not read
your notes before an exam. Your CGPA. go tell you!
I hope you are still reading, please get a glass of
water before you continue so you're refreshed.
5. Seek other relevant materials. Those notes are
not enough! Oh yes you heard (read) me right! Reading notes only will make you
an average student or at best a slightly average student. Get Texbooks,
handouts, search on google, yahoo, get pdfs. Hehehe, no be you say you wan
write better grade? All of these
resources will help complement the knowledge you get from your notes. Please
endeavour to pay more attention to what is relevant when reading so you don't
end up on a wild goose chase.
6. Get your equipment/instruments and carry it
everywhere. A farmer always goes to the farm with his hoe and cutlass (don't
tell me about modern agriculture). Dear sir/ma'am always ensure you have your
own personal equipment- calculator, drawing board, pen, mathematical set, meter
rule, stencils and the likes depending on your course of study. Please get your
own and ensure it is readily available when needed. Na inside exam hall you wan
dey borrow calculator? You go remain average o.
7. Choose a suitable study plan and time. There are
no two people with the same characteristics. Everyone has got peculiarities.
Therefore, if reading in the night suits you, stick to it. For the much
organised set of people with time table, una well done. All I'm saying is
don't be a copy-cat.
8. Get past question papers. It is a common
occurrence in higher institutions to see questions from previous sessions of
same level being repeated. Get them and revise. You'll be glad you did.
9. Know your lecturers. Every lecturer has got
his/her own style/requirement. That's a fact. Find it out and stick to it
during tests, assignments and exams. It will give you an edge.
10. Choose your electives wisely. The fact that you
cannot carry over an elective course doesn't mean you should neglect reason in
your choice. A poor score in an elective will negatively impact your CGPA.
11. Make use of reading strategies. Reading
strategies such as SQ3R and the likes can be employed or better still, you
develop one for yourself provided it is effective.
However, it doesn't end there. There is a second
part, which is as essential as the first.
These steps which I call part two are a continuation
of steps to getting an eye-popping CGPA..
1. Roll with the good guys. The consequence of doing
the opposite is better imagined than experienced. If a goat continually follows
a dog, one day it will eat faeces. Being in company with smart individuals will
definitely rub off on you. Not forgetting the extra motivation one gets from
such relationships.
2. Be Determined and optimistic. You know that 'I
can do it' mindset, you need it in great measures to get to the top and remain.
Determination fires you up and optimism keeps you going and focused.
3. Seek help where necessary. No man is an island.
There will always be someone who knows more than you. Be it the lecturer or a
fellow student. The important thing is to identify such individual and fetch
from their pool of knowledge. If however you feel too big to seek help, na you
sabi. You CGPA. go tell the story.
4. Practice healthy competition. A bit of caution is
needed here. Notice the word healthy. There is also a competition that is
unhealthy and leads to envy and bad blood among peers/colleagues. Healthy
competition involves peers deriving motivation from each other. Example: Jane
is a student on a 5.0 CGPA. Betty realizes she (Jane) doesn't have two heads
and strives to perform as well as her. Simple!
5. Put your ears on ground. In order not to miss
information crucial to your success, it is important that you have you ears on
ground. Drop your contacts with colleagues should they need to reach you. No
play with this one o.
6. Pray to your God. this is for the religious. God
answers prayers. Bear in mind He is no magician! Do your best and let him
handle the rest.
If you've been reading from part one to the last
step above, trust me, you've got the determination to bang that examination.
Your success is sure.
These steps however aren't exhaustive. The comments
section is open for discussion. Thanks for reading.
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