Many students desire eye-popping CGPA's, however they are not willing to pay the price. The price of success is diligence and hard work.
It is commonplace to see assignments/homework trivialized. Not doing assignments is the secret of mediocrity. Top performers in class know this and work to avoid it.
I have seen instances whereby a lecturer gives an assignment/homework to a group of students, and the assignment ends up as their Cumulative assessment test (C.A) for the semester. Now, suppose you find yourself in this situation whereby you trivialize your homework and it ends up as a semester C.A, your chances of getting an A in that course is significantly reduced.
You need to also realize that take home assignments, be it in the arts, sciences or social sciences are an opportunity for further research of course contents. New ideas, new words, challenges, insight and much more are derived from attempting assignments. It makes you well rounded as a student.
If therefore you are Serial defaulter (*chuckles) when it comes to assignments, change your ways. For students diligent with assignments, keep it up! That eye-popping CGPA will not elude you!
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