A few months after graduation (from University), I had to draw up a timetable. Why? Managing my time became increasingly difficult after school. 24 hrs of the day just got spent so quick. The consequences were dire for me as several important activities crucial for personal growth and development were left undone. A timetable serves as your personal timekeeper. There is the tendency to get complacent and leave important task, either academic or otherwise, undone in the absence of a timetable. In the same vein, much time could also be devoted to something trivial. However, a working timetable helps eliminate or reduces to the barest minimum, all of those issues. If you have a hard time following routines or bored by a regimented lifestyle, you might need to be creative with your timetable. Draw up something simple for a start. As you get used to it, more items/activities are gradually added. Also, try rearranging items on the timetable every fortnight or monthly. Remember, your ti...