Basically, we study in order to understand concepts and pass examinations in our various disciplines. Studying is no easy task. It could become a boring routine. Many students don't fancy personal study. It is important that one engages in a personal study if the goals of scholarship are to be actualized. To get that eye-popping cumulative grade point average (CGPA) , you have to cultivate the habit of personal study. It will also help you master concepts and principles relating to your course of study. I intend to give you quick tips/steps to aid your personal study time and make it worthwhile. The tips are effective when followed to the letter. So, read along with me. RETRIEVAL So you're at home, or you've left the class. You were in class earlier, heard the lecturers presentation and also took down notes. Great! See top 8 reasons why you should not miss classes. To consolidate what you have learnt in class, try to remember all (is that really possible?) of ...